
Military and Veteran Resilience and Health Collaborative (MVRHC)

Advancing veteran research


Research projects led by Dr. Rachel Cassalia. 

These projects include the Arizona Veteran Surveys, interactive maps, and cross-cutting prevention funded by the Department of Defense. Additionally, this page highlights researchers in the College of Health Solutions who are working on service member and veteran initiatives.


Arizona Veteran Survey

The Arizona Veteran Survey was first conducted in 2017. It was the first comprehensive survey of our state’s service members, veterans, their family members, and the veteran-supportive community. The survey is conducted every other year and includes questions tailored to each group of respondents.

Arizona veteran survey

2017 - 2023 comparison report

The biennial Arizona Veteran Survey, conducted by the Arizona State University College of Health Solutions, was first conducted statewide in 2017, with additional iterations in 2019, 2021, and 2023. Service members, veterans, family members, and community helpers were invited to take the online survey, with questions tailored to each group. A paper-based survey option was also provided. In total, over 33,000 responses have been received across the four surveys.

Supplemental survey findings

For supplemental survey findings on specific counties or subpopulations please contact

Researchers Working on Service Member, Veteran, and First Responder Initiatives

The following individuals are ASU College of Health Solutions faculty who are conducting research that focuses on the military, veteran, and first responder populations. In the left column is a link to each researcher’s profile page where you can learn more about them and their research. In the center column is the current research they are doing related to the populations mentioned above. In the right column are publications and news stories related to their work with the military, veteran, and first responder populations.

Faculty researchers

NameResearch TopicsRelevant Publications / News Stories
Tamiko Azuma, PhDCognition in military veterans with and without service-related conditions, including mTBI and post-traumatic stress disorders.Analysis of Story Recall in Military Veterans With and Without Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Preliminary Results
Matthew Buman, PhDAssessing clinical effectiveness and implementation of worksite sleep health coaching in firefightersBewell24: Development and Process Evaluation of a Smartphone "App" to Improve Sleep, Sedentary, and Active Behaviors in U.S. Veterans with Increased Metabolic Risk
Dana Epstein, PhDBehavioral interventions to improve sleep quality and treat insomnia in military veterans

Brain Boosters: Evaluating a Pilot Program for Memory Complaints in Veterans

Bewell24: Development and Process Evaluation of a Smartphone “App” to Improve Sleep, Sedentary, and Active Behaviors in U.S. Veterans with Increased Metabolic Risk

Abstract 1235: Design and Iterative Testing of a Sleep/Physical Activity Smartphone "App" for U.S. Veterans

Feasibility Test of Preference-Based Insomnia Treatment for Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans

Insomnia Treatment Acceptability and Preferences of Male Iraq and Afghanistan Combat Veterans and their Healthcare Providers

The Ambivalent Sleeper Encourage Veteran To Eliminate use of Combat-Oriented Video Games and Explore Obstacles to an Earlier Bedtime

Angela Giles, DBH

Social Work Effectiveness for Rural Veterans Evaluation (SERVE) QUERI includes data evaluation of the program's effectiveness in improving Veteran health outcomes and interviews with front-line social workers.

Multi-Stakeholder Partnership (MSP) for the Enhancing Veteran Community Reintegration Research (ENCORE) Project.

VA/DOD Management of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) Clinical Practice Guideline Workgroup.

VA/DOD Management of Diabetes Mellitus in Primary Care Clinical Practice Guideline Workgroup.

VA/DOD Clinical Practice Guidelines: Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (2023)

VA/DOD Clinical Practice Guidelines: Management of Major Depressive Disorder (Mdd) (2022)

The Future of Veteran Community Engagement: Perspectives on Engaging Veterans and Other Stakeholders in Research Agenda Setting

Social Work and Telehealth: How Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT) Social Workers in the Veterans Health Administration Responded to COVID-19

COVID-19: How to Support the Emotional Wellbeing of Veterans Diagnosed with Diabetes

Haiwei Gu, PhD Acceleration of Circulatory and Neurological Aging due to Wildfire Exposures

Dietary Modulation of Lung Lipids Influences Inflammatory Responses To Inhaled Ozone

Biomass Smoke Inhalation Promotes Neuroinflammatory and Metabolomic Temporal Changes in the Hippocampus of Female Mice

Neuroinflammatory and Metabolomic Temporal Dynamics Following Wood Smoke Inhalation

An Integrative Cellular Metabolomic Study Reveals Downregulated Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle and Potential Biomarkers Induced by Tetrabromobisphenol A in Human Lung A549 Cells

Neuroinflammatory and Neurometabolomic Consequences from Inhaled Wildfire Smoke-Derived Particulate Matter in the Western United States

Stavros Kavouras, PhDFire Prevention and Safety Grant Program: The Impact of Self-Assessment to Improve Hydration Status in Wildland Firefighters Throughout the Year

Validity of Combined Hydration Self-Assessment Measurements To Estimate a Low Vs. High Urine Concentration In a Small Sample of (Tactical) Athletes

Sparking Firefighter Safety: ASU Wildland Firefighter Hydration Study

Adrienne Madhavpeddi, PhDThe Veteran Community Care Collaborative ECHO ProgramCollege of Health Solutions - Project ECHO
Rachel Larson, PhD
  • A Community-Based and Multidisciplinary Collaboration to Prevent Veteran Suicide
    • Arizona Veteran Survey
    • Suicide Prevention
    • Postvention
  • Addressing Social Determinants of Health for Service Members, Veterans, and Their Families
  • Cross-Cutting Prevention Through an Upstream Focus on Social Determinants of Health Within Military Settings
    • Resilience Quality Index
  • Military Readiness & Tactical Human Performance 
    • Tactical Athlete Seminars
    • AZ ARNG Health to Holistic Fitness
    • Mesa Fire Research
    • Mesa PD Research
  • Mesa Fire Projects
  • Veteran Suicide Mortality Review

2017 - 2023 Arizona Veteran Survey Comparison Report

The Impact of Military Service on Social Determinants as Predictive Factors for Suicide among Female Veterans

College of Health Solutions Program Doing its Part During Salute to Service

The Social Determinants of Suicide Among Female Service Members and Veterans

College of Health Solutions Launches Veterans Resilience Program

2023 Arizona Veteran Survey Full Report

Veterans' Resilience Focus of 2-Day ASU Conference

ASU Army ROTC, College of Health Solutions Partner to Provide Specialized Cadet Training Program

Getting Vets the Right Services at the Right Time

2021 Arizona Veteran Survey Full Report

2019 Arizona Veteran Survey Full Report

Kathleen Pine, PhDCollaborative Research: HCC MEDIUM: Understanding the Present and Designing the Future of Risk Prediction IT in Fire DepartmentsPathway Mapping as a Tool to Address Police Use of Force in Behavioral Health Crisis
Floris Wardenaar, PhD

Fire Prevention and Safety Grant Program: The Impact of Self-Assessment to Improve Hydration Status in Wildland Firefighters Throughout the Year

Interventions to Reduce Firefighter Cancer and Cardiovascular Risks In response to Arizona Fire Chiefs Opportunity Statement #1 on Firefighter and General Public Health

Validity of Combined Hydration Self-Assessment Measurements to Estimate a Low vs. High Urine Concentration in a Small Sample of (Tactical) Athletes

U.S. Arizona Firefighters Pioneer 'Forever Chemical’ Treatment

Regents Provide $4m to Study Cancer in Firefighters

New ABOR Regents’ Research Grant Seeks to Reduce Cancer Risk in Arizona’s Firefighters; Additional Grants Address Groundwater Supply, Forest Health

ASU Army ROTC, College of Health Solutions Partner to Provide Specialized Cadet Training Program

Staff researchers

NameResearch Topics
Natalie BruceVeteran Suicide Mortality Review
Alondra CruzCross-Cutting Prevention Through an Upstream Focus on Social Determinants of Health Within Military Settings
Scott KahldonCross-Cutting Prevention Through an Upstream Focus on Social Determinants of Health Within Military Settings
Jocelyn MaganaCross-Cutting Prevention Through an Upstream Focus on Social Determinants of Health Within Military Settings
Angela Siebrecht

A Community-Based and Multidisciplinary Collaboration to Prevent Veteran Suicide

Addressing Social Determinants of Health for Service Members, Veterans, and Their Families

Kayla StevensonCross-Cutting Prevention Through an Upstream Focus on Social Determinants of Health Within Military Settings
Amanda Straus, DBH

A Community-Based and Multidisciplinary Collaboration to Prevent Veteran Suicide

Addressing Social Determinants of Health for Service Members, Veterans, and Their Families

Cross-Cutting Prevention Through an Upstream Focus on Social Determinants of Health Within Military Settings

Veteran Suicide Mortality Review