
Testing Technology Trends

Information for navigating COVID-19 with testing.

Given the unparalleled threats and uncertainty brought on by COVID-19, sharing information is more important than ever. Here you’ll gain insights, knowledge and strategies to help you navigate the challenges, improve decision-making and take control of your workplace and your life.


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man opening covid test

Experts Discuss Over-the-Counter Influenza Tests: A Roundtable Discussion

July 18, 2024 | Mara Aspinall

In a groundbreaking white paper released by Arizona State University’s College of Health Solutions, lead researchers Mara Aspinall and Matthew Scotch say OTC flu tests have tremendous potential to improve health outcomes.
A COVID-19 rapid test

What does the future look like for COVID-19 and how should businesses prepare?

March 28, 2022 | Saundra Cannon Clarke, Steven Phillips

If omicron has taught us anything, it's that this pandemic is unpredictable. The waters have calmed for now, but as a society, we need to learn from what we've been through and put health and wellness measures in place to protect us from another surge.

Say Yes! COVID Test. Keep our communities safe.

The “Say Yes! COVID Test” program is providing millions of rapid antigen tests to four communities experiencing COVID-19 surges this fall

October 28, 2021 | Rachael Fleurence, Matthew McMahon, Andrew Weitz, Krishna Juluru

Passing the test: That’s what the NIH and CDC are doing in select communities with a new program that is distributing rapid-antigen COVID-19 tests to consumers for use at home.
Illustration of a group of people wearing a mask

The COVID pandemic: Testing and disparities

September 29, 2021 | William G. Morice

People of color are up to 9 times more likely to get COVID-19 and, if they do, they’re more likely to be hospitalized, too.
School children learning with teacher

School system leadership in an almost impossible era

September 8, 2021 | Manuel Valenzuela

As head of the classes, school Superintendent Manuel Valenzuela shares challenges of keeping kids learning and safe through COVID-19, as well as some lessons learned through the pandemic.
Illustration of employees having a discussion at a table

Dealing with COVID-19 in the workplace: Planning for employee safety and outbreak prevention

August 19, 2021 | Nancy Gagliano

The work-from-home option simply doesn’t work for all employees. How can organizations with people on-site keep everybody safe from COVID-19? Testing is the answer. This blog provides tools to help employers implement workplace testing programs.
Vials containing COVID-19 Coronavirus vaccine

The Future of Testing for COVID Immunity

August 6, 2021 | Steven Freedman

Testing and breakthroughs: The Delta variant of COVID-19 is a new beast to battle, and breakthrough transmission raises questions on testing approaches. This blog covers factors for researchers to consider.
3D illustration of SARS-CoV-2 Virus

Interpretation of SARS-CoV-2 Immune Response Tests

August 5, 2021 | James Everhart

T-cell tests 101: Learn what affects T-cell-based tests, how these diagnostic tools can be used and when immune response tests should be used.
Groups of vials

Viral load and Ct values – How do we use quantitative PCR quantitatively?

April 16, 2021 | Mara G. Aspinall

Viral load impacts disease severity, and most COVID-19 testing identifies it, but this data rarely gets reported. This blog explains why and looks at some challenges in sharing viral load test results with clinicians and epidemiologists.
Black and white, close-up image of dog nose

COVID-19 testing: Going to the dogs?

April 2, 2021 | Genie Joseph, Mara G. Aspinall

You may not be feeling sick as a dog, but if you’ve been infected with COVID-19, there’s a good chance a dog would sniff it out.