Program goal
Our goal is to energize entry-level early childhood personnel through the transfer of knowledge and the development of best practices and service delivery models for children, birth to 6, and their families that promote systemic change.
About the Building Expertise with Early Childhood Professionals (BEEP) ECHO
The Building Expertise with Early Childhood Professionals ECHO will design modules across professions that include training and case-based problem solving for young children (birth to 6 years) and their families. The topics will include but will not be limited to early intervention parenting strategies, ethical telepractice strategies, nutrition and feeding, language and cognitive development, management of complex medical, developmental, and behavioral issues, and multidisciplinary strategies related to child development and family support. Our BEEP ECHO meets on Mondays from 4 - 5 p.m. MST (Arizona time), except for holidays. Each curriculum cycle includes 8-10 sessions.
Who should attend?
- Audiologists
- Early childhood teachers
- Early intervention providers
- Habilitation and respite providers
- Occupational therapists
- Physical therapists
- Social workers
- Speech-language pathologists
Meet our team
- Jean C. Brown, PhD, CCC-SLP
- Dawn Cosgrove Greer, MA, CCC-SLP
- Bryna Cruz, MS, SLP
- Rachel B. Diamant, PhD, OTR/L, BCP
- Maria Hanlin, MA
- Rebecca L. Wolf, JD, MPH, OTR/L
Program Contacts:
Maria Hanlin, Clinic coordinator
Jean Brown, Program director
General ECHO inquiries:
This course is offered for up to .7 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level, Professional area).