Military and Veteran Resilience and Health Collaborative


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Improving the quality of life of service members, veterans and first responders

The College of Health Solutions Military and Veteran Resilience and Health Collaborative is committed to addressing the unique challenges and improving the quality of life of service members, veterans, first responders and their families throughout their journey utilizing innovative prevention and intervention strategies. 

Serving as a catalyst for cross-sector collaboration among military, public safety, industry, government and academia, our vision is to improve outcomes and enhance the resilience, health and human performance of service members, veterans, first responders and their families. We actively identify areas of opportunity to conduct interdisciplinary research, develop research-driven programming and evidence-based education, and implement innovative programs through collaborative partnerships to achieve results and support those who serve. 

Get involved 

Whether you are a veteran, active military or family member seeking assistance or an organization looking to partner with us, we want to hear from you.

 Get involved with MVRHC

Silhouetted military members showing the ASU fork sign


Increase eligibility to serve
We work to increase young American eligibility to serve in the military through increased preparation, education, innovative programs and collaboration with schools and health care organizations.

Optimize health and human performance of those who serve.
We are optimizing the human performance of our military and first responders through the implementation of holistic approaches. Optimization of health, wellness, fitness and performance is crucial to their occupational effectiveness.

Successful and seamless transition back into the culture that they left to serve.
We are increasing post service health outcomes by identifying barriers, increasing access to services and resources while addressing social determinants of health.

Serving individuals experiencing invisible wounds or chronic illness.
We are helping military service members, veterans and their families with programs and initiatives focused on improving the identification and treatment of invisible wounds, chronic illness, and other health concerns


Working in partnership to develop the Arizona Warrior Health and Fitness 90-day wellness program. This program was developed in March 2024 to provide one-on-one training with a strength and conditioning coach and consultations with a registered dietician. The program, located at the Sun Devil Fitness Center on the Downtown Phoenix campus, is free for service members, veterans and their families.

Home Base (Arizona)

Working in partnership on events such as Merging Vets and Players for veteran students and alumni. The MVRHC team meets with the center regularly to discuss collaborating on all military and veteran efforts. The Pat Tillman Veterans Center assists active duty, veteran and veteran-dependent students with their military education benefits and offers programs, events and a place where student veterans can connect with and support each other. 

ASU Pat Tillman Veterans Center

Working in partnership to advance engagement opportunities and research. This includes efforts at ASU and within the broader community. The work of the OVMAE primarily focuses on three distinct pillars: dialogue, teaching and research. 

ASU Office of Veteran and Military Academic Engagement (OVMAE)

Working in partnership to develop a resilience course as part of the CHS 194: Fit to Serve course. The vision of The Brandon Caserta Foundation is to end the epidemic of suicide in our Armed Forces and the veteran communities. 

The Brandon Caserta Foundation

The Brandon Caserta Memorial Scholarship, worth $1,000 annually, goes to a student in the College of Health Solutions who has demonstrated interest in the military.

The Brandon Caserta Memorial Scholarship

Working in partnership to support projects from the Be Connected program model including upstream prevention, risk reduction, identifying high-risk populations and more. The ASU team provides support for these projects including concept development, data collection, evaluation and publishing results. The ASU team assists with data verification analysis for the Arizona Coalition for Military Families and key partners. Additionally, the ASU team assists with sharing initiatives including distributing information related to ongoing and new projects, analysis, evaluation, and identification of potential projects, and plans for project development. Finally, the Arizona Coalition for Military Families helps to disseminate findings from the biennial Arizona Veteran Survey, which is conducted by the ASU team.

Arizona Coalition for Military Families

Working in partnership to focus on upstream suicide prevention and assist with the implementation of the Arizona Veteran Suicide Mortality Review team. An ASU team member is working with a team of stakeholders by performing data collection, analysis and interpretation. This includes processing and tracking records requests, organizing incoming records, verifying information from death certificates to ensure they align with the veteran records the Arizona Department of Health Services has and constructing case narratives for the review team. The purpose of the veteran suicide mortality review is to identify how many veteran suicide death records are inaccurate, update the records and make recommendations to ensure accurate reporting on death records moving forward.

Arizona Department of Health Services