On-campus first-year students
Pay enrollment deposit via your My ASU page
Sign up for Orientation through your New Student Orientation Experience
Confirm your housing selections
Submit FAFSA if not yet completed and explore scholarship opportunities
Take Math Placement Exam if applicable
Familiarize yourself with registration steps and how to enroll in classes
Set up ID card
Set up ASU email:
- When you activate your ASURITE User ID, you will select to have your ASU email forwarded to a personal account. It's important to check your email often for time-sensitive notifications and next steps about enrollment.
- You'll have access to your official ASU email address when classes begin. You can check which email your ASU email is forwarding to by looking in the profile tab in My ASU. We would highly recommend that you remove the forwarding feature to your personal email address once your ASU email address is established.
Identify parking and transit solutions
Ensure all official transcripts have been sent from your issuing institutions directly to ASU
Explore clubs and organizations
Parent/guest access to My ASU
Explore welcome events