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Integrated Rehabilitative Solutions for People with Movement Disorders

What we do

Our overarching goal is to develop whole-person, whole-system solutions that integrate health care solutions to improve quality of life for people with movement disorders such as Parkinson’s Disease and Multiple Sclerosis

Our team leads

Ayoub Daliri

Ayoub Daliri

Assistant Professor

Dr. Daliri researches neural processes of speech planning, production, and motor learning. He uses a combination of acoustic, electrophysiological, and computational techniques to identify and evaluate fundamental processes of speech. 

Daniel Peterson

Daniel Peterson

Associate Professor

Our lab focuses on understanding causes and treatments for mobility impairments in neurological populations including (but not limited to) people with Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis. Our overall goal is to improve gait, reduce falls and increase quality of life in these groups. 

Where we work

Arizona Biomedical Collaborative

425 N 5th St
Phoenix AZ 85004

ASU Tempe Campus

975 S Myrtle Ave
COOR 3456
Tempe AZ 85281