Other Options || CHS 494 - Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

Earn credit as an Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UGTA) for a course offered by the College of Health Solutions. In this experience you may assist faculty with course needs such as grading, interacting with students, assisting in refreshing course materials, and/or other items related to the course. You can improve your communication and leadership skills, gain a deeper understanding of working in academia, earn valuable experience for your resume, and develop a working relationship with a faculty member and other students in your program of study.

Students must be in good academic standing (2.0 or higher ASU GPA) and have no academic integrity violations.

To get started, connect with the instructor of the course you would like to be a UGTA for. You may also consult the program director for your major for open opportunities.

Once you and the instructor have come to an agreement about the course and duties for your UGTA experience, email chsdocuments@asu.edu with your name, student ID number, the name of the faculty that you will be working with, and the faculty’s email address. We ask that you also CC the faculty on the email. An Adobe Sign Agreement form will be initiated for you and your faculty to complete prior to enrolling. Do not attempt to enroll in the course until you have received a form completion email from Adobe Sign.