A happy student wearing a mask

About the College of Health Solutions

Health innovation at work

Founded in 2012, the College of Health Solutions at Arizona State University is the only health college of its kind — which is what you would expect from the most innovative university in the nation.

We bring together researchers, faculty, students and community partners from a variety of disciplines to translate scientific research and discovery into practical solutions that make a difference. Our undergraduate and graduate students gain the knowledge and insight necessary to help solve our greatest health challenges — improving the health care system, increasing access to care and enhancing the health of individuals and populations.


Two students bumping elbows




We have more than 1,000 community partners, including private companies, nonprofits and health organizations, with more joining every year.


in Arizona. We have the most graduates accepted to physical therapy programs, surpassing all other Arizona universities.

Top 10

Our graduate programs in audiology and speech-language pathology are consistently ranked among the best in the nation by U.S. News and World Report.

Our charter

Better health outcomes require better solutions.
The College of Health Solutions at Arizona State University is committed to translating scientific health research and discovery into practice. We prepare students to address the challenges facing our populations to stay healthy, improve their health and manage chronic disease. We bring people together to improve the health of the communities we serve, reaching them where they live, learn, work and play throughout the lifespan.

Our mission, vision and values

The College of Health Solutions translates health research and discovery into practice and prepares tomorrow’s leaders to address the challenges facing people and communities to stay healthy, improve their health and manage chronic disease.

We create leaders who reimagine health and create a better future for people and communities on a local and global scale.


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