Graduate forms and policies
Get a complete list of the Graduate College policies and procedures. For program-specific policies, which may be more strict than those outlined by the Graduate College, please refer to your degree program’s handbook.
Academic honesty is expected of all students in all examinations, papers, academic transactions and records. The possible sanctions include, but are not limited to: appropriate grade penalties, loss of registration privileges, disqualification and dismissal. ASU strictly adheres to the academic integrity policy. Students should familiarize themselves with the ASU Student Academic Integrity Policy and the Student Honor Code.
All faculty, staff and students may report an academic integrity violation online. Ron Hicks serves as the Academic Integrity Officer for the College of Health Solutions and can be reached at
Graduate students (degree or non-degree) may retake any course at ASU; however, all grades are part of the student’s permanent academic record, remain on the transcript and are used in all GPA calculations.
All coursework used to complete an ASU graduate program must be completed within the designated time limit. Graduate courses taken prior to admission that are included on the Interactive Plan of Study must have been completed within three years of the semester and year of admission to the program. The time limit period begins with the term of admission to the program OR the earliest term of applied pre-admission credit.
Masters and certificate programs: 6 years
Doctoral programs: 10 years
Once admitted to a graduate degree program or graduate certificate program, students must be registered for a minimum of one credit hour during all phases of their graduate education, including the term in which they graduate. This includes periods when students are engaged in research, conducting a doctoral prospectus, working on or defending theses or dissertations, taking comprehensive examinations, taking Graduate Foreign Language Examinations, or in any other way using university resources, facilities or faculty time.
Registration for every fall semester and spring semester is required. Summer registration is required for students taking examinations, completing culminating experiences, conducting a doctoral prospectus, defending theses or dissertations, or graduating from the degree program.
To maintain continuous enrollment the credit hour(s) must:
- Appear on the student’s Plan of Study, OR
- Be research (592, 792), thesis (599), dissertation (799), or continuing registration (595, 695, 795), OR
- Be a graduate-level course.
Grades of “W” and “X” are not considered valid registration for continuous enrollment purposes. “W” grades are received when students officially withdraw from a course after the drop/add period. “X” grades are received for audit courses.
Additionally, students completing work for a course in which they received a grade of “I” must maintain continuous enrollment as defined previously. Graduate students have one year to complete work for an incomplete grade; if the work is not complete and the grade changed within one year, the “I” grade becomes permanent. Learn more about incomplete grades.
Graduate students planning to discontinue registration for a semester or more must submit a leave of absence request via their Interactive Plan of Study (iPOS). This request must be submitted and approved before the anticipated semester of non-registration. Students may request a maximum of two semesters of leave during their entire program. Having an approved leave of absence from the Graduate College will enable students to re-enter their program without reapplying to the university. Students who do not register for a fall or spring semester without an approved leave of absence are considered withdrawn from the university under the assumption that they have decided to discontinue their program. Students removed for this reason may reapply for admission to resume their degree program; the application will be considered along with all other new applications to the degree program.
Students with a Graduate College-approved leave of absence are not required to pay tuition or fees, but in turn are not permitted to place any demands on university faculty or use any university resources. These resources include university libraries, laboratories, recreation facilities or faculty and staff time.
The timing of when you make your request to remove courses from your current schedule determines whether the removal of a course is considered a drop or a withdrawal.
- Check the Academic Calendar for the drop and withdrawal deadlines.
- Dropping a class is the removal of a class from your current schedule before the relevant deadline. A drop will remove the class from your current schedule with no record of your enrollment in the class on your official transcript.
- Withdrawing from a course is the removal of a course from your current schedule after the drop/add deadline and before the complete session withdrawal deadline. A withdrawal will remove the class(es) from your current schedule and will result in a grade of “W” on your official transcript. A grade of “W” has no impact on your GPA.
- Please refer to the tuition refund policy to determine if dropping or withdrawing from classes will generate a tuition refund.
Dropping and withdrawing from courses may have a financial and academic impact. Please be sure to speak with Financial Aid and Scholarship Services as to what the impact will be on your student account. If you have questions or need assistance with dropping or withdrawing, contact your graduate success coordinator.
If you no longer plan on attending or completing all of your classes in a given session, you can remove all of them from your current schedule by requesting a complete session withdrawal up until the relevant deadline. Learn more about complete session withdrawals. Please keep in mind that a complete session withdrawal will result in a break in continuous enrollment. If you break enrollment you will need to reapply to your degree program. Learn more about complete session withdrawals and please refer to the Tuition Refund Policy to determine if dropping/withdrawing from classes will generate a tuition refund.
ASU does not drop or withdraw students for non-payment of tuition or non-attendance.
Students may submit requests for either a medical or compassionate withdrawal from ASU by completing the following paperwork. Please review the instructions carefully prior to submitting the request.
- Guidelines for College of Health Solutions students
- ASU’s procedure for submitting withdrawal requests
- Documented medical and compassionate withdrawal form
Shanan Bouchard
Manager, Student Success
The grade of "I" can only be given by an instructor when a student, who is doing otherwise acceptable work, is unable to complete a course (e.g., final exam or term paper) because of illness or other conditions beyond the student's control. Unfinished work must be completed with the same instructor except under extenuating circumstances. The completion date is determined by the instructor but may not exceed one calendar year from the date the mark of "I" is recorded. Once the work is completed, faculty must request a change on the grade roster to post the grade. If a student does not complete the missing coursework by the date that is agreed upon on the incomplete request form, the instructor may change the grade to what was earned based on the work completed in the class. If the coursework is not completed after a calendar year, the incomplete becomes permanent. Repeating a class in which an incomplete is awarded will not replace the "I" on the student's transcript.
In the College of Health Solutions, once the faculty and the student have filled out the form completely (including signatures, electronic are fine) please forward it to
Incomplete Grade Request Form
The steps outlined in the College of Health Solutions Grade Appeal Procedure must be followed, beginning with step 1, by any student seeking to appeal their final grade in a course offered by the College of Health Solutions. Students seeking to appeal a grade in a course offered by another college at ASU must follow the grade appeal process in that college.
The final grade appeal process may only be initiated by a student once the course has concluded and a final course grade has been posted to the student’s transcript. Per university policy, grade appeals must be processed in the regular semester immediately following the issuance of the final grade in dispute (by commencement for fall or spring) regardless of whether the student is enrolled at the university.
- College of Health Solutions Grade Appeal Procedure
- College of Health Solutions Grade Appeal Form (initiated in step 2 of the Grade Appeal Procedure)
- University policy for student appeal procedures on grades
Contact for student grade appeals
Ron Hicks
Executive Director, Student Success
Students who wish to file a grievance about a non-grade-related matter may use the form below and follow the linked procedure. Non-grade-related grievances may include dissatisfaction with an instructor, problems with a classmate or other unresolved situations.
- College of Health Solutions Student Grievance Procedure
- College of Health Solutions Student Grievance Form (Non-Grade Related)
Ron Hicks
Executive Director, Student Success
The federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, known as FERPA, provides students with privacy rights that allow them to inspect and review their education records, request corrections and limit access.
The student’s prior consent is required to disclose educational records, unless the request falls into a specific FERPA category that allows disclosure without prior consent.
The two most common ways that our students control access:
- Requesting a Directory Hold, instructing ASU not to release “directory information” to third parties.
- Granting online access to specific individuals via My ASU Parent Guest Access.
My ASU Parent Guest Access is an online tool that allows students to share FERPA-protected information, such as:
- Admission status.
- Class schedule, major and college.
- Final grades and academic status reports.
- Finances and Parent PLUS loan.
- Authorized payer permission.
- Tasks or to-do items.
- On-campus housing.
- Other educational records not available in My ASU.
To grant parent or guest access:
- Go to My ASU and click on the Profile tab.
- Click the Add a Guest link in the My ASU Guest Access Permissions box in the lower right of the screen.
- Fill out the Add a Guest form and select the Send Email and Submit button when finished.
- Provide your guest with the validation code you receive. You can do this by text, phone call or in person, but we recommend that you do not send it by email for security purposes.
- Verify the correct email for your parent or guest before filling out the form.
- You may check Select All or just specific information you want to share. You can update this at any time.
- Anyone with previous authorized payer access still has to be invited as a guest in My ASU Parent Guest Access to retain authorized payer access.
- Refer to the How to authorize My ASU Guest Access help article for more detailed instructions.
Find further information and detailed instructions on how students can grant parents and guests access to FERPA-protected information.