Course Prefix Changes

Previous New Course title
EXW 100 HEP 100 Introduction to Health and Wellness
EXW 102 HEP 102 Principles and Foundations of Health Education and Health Promotion
EXW 284 HEP 384 Pre-Internship in Health Education and Health Promotion
EXW 303 HEP 303 Sexual Health
EXW 312/294 HEP 212 Preventing HIV and Substance Abuse (now a 3-credit course)
EXW 315 SSP 315 Exercise and Sport Physiology
EXW 316 SSP 316 Exercise and Sport Physiology Lab
EXW 320 SSP 320 Coach Lead, Perf Team and Mgt
EXW 340/342
HSC 340
CHS 340 Health Theory
EXW 341/294 HEP 241 Health Education Methods of Injury Prevention and Emergency Preparedness (now a 3-credit course)
EXW 348 HEP 348 Methods of Health Education
EXW 350 HEP 350 Substance Abuse and Addictive Behaviors
EXW 361 HEP 361 Social Media and Marketing for Health (now a 3-credit course)
EXW 371 HEP 371 Violence Prevention and Conflict Management (now a 3-credit course)
EXW 380 HEP 380 Body Image and Wellness
EXW 410 HEP 410 Obesity Perspectives and Prescriptions
EXW 434 SSP 434 Sports Movement and Conditioning
EXW 444 HEP 444 Epidemiology
EXW 448 HEP 448 School-based Methods for Health Education
EXW 452 HEP 452 Health Advocacy
EXW 454 HEP 454 Health Promotion Program Planning and Implementation
EXW 456 HEP 456 Health Promotion Program Evolution
EXW 460 SSP 460 Resistance Training Application and Theory
EXW 466 HEP 466 Health Promotion Program Management and Administration
EXW 476 HEP 476 Community Health
EXW 484 HEP 484 Health Education and Health Promotion Internship
EXW 486 HEP 486 Applied Projects in Health Education and Health Promotion
EXW 494 SSP 461 Plyometric and Power Transfer Exercise
HCD/PBH 201 HCD 201 Economics for Health Majors
HCD 210 HSC 210 Cultural Aspects of health
HCD/PBH 300 HCD 300 Biostatistics
HCD 310 HSC 310 Health Communication
HCD 320 MED 320 Applied Medical/Health Care Ethics
HCD 340 HSC 300 Complementary Health Care
HCD 401/MED 450 MED 450 Leadership and Professionalism
HCD/PBH 402 HCD 402 Health Economics
HCD 410 HSC 410 Supporting Health of Older Adults
HCD 412 HSC 412 Health Issues Later in Life
HCD/PBH 422 PBH 422 Health Disparities and Access to Health
HCD 432 HSC 432 Legal Issues in Health Care
HCD 482 PBH 482 Capstone I
HCD 483 PBH 483 Capstone II
HSC 400  HSC 484 Internship
HSC 420 HCD 400 Interpreting Scientific Literature
IBC 410 PBH 410 Public Mental Health
IBC 420 HCD 420 Population Health Management
NTR 355 HSC 355 Eating for Lifelong Health